Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Answered Prayers

this post today will be a little long i guess. but i will put a story at the end of it though, for those who come only for my stories. but then, probably no one is going to read this. anyway, this post might be a little offensive to some.

today i read the newspaper, and the incident of the sex scandal between asian celebrities ( Edison Chen and the other female celebrities ) was brought up again. one of them, this girl, one of the singer in the duo called The Twins was performing on stage for a charity and was mocked at, jeered at etc till she cried because she was involved in the scandal.

the message below is for those who condemn the people who are involved, especially Christians who take part in the condemning.

firstly i have to say it totally disgust me to see people condemning other people for matters like, sex? why do you condemn her (and others)? just because she has sex? are you going to tell me you are not going to have sex for the rest of your life? or is it pre-marital sex? among all those who take part in the condemning, i don't believe all of you are so pure and innocent that you only do it after marriage. so then, what is the difference between you and them? sure, she did have her photos taken, and that idiot guy actually leaked it out. everyone makes mistakes.

why do you guys condemn her (them)? because she(they) has lost her 'pure and innocent' image you have of her when you actually fantasize about having sex or raping her in your own mind? or is it just because you don't like it that other people can have her while you can't? why do you girls condemn her? because she spoilt the image of the female race? do you plan to say you too don't intend to have sex? or do you say you too definitely will not have pre-marital sex? if you people really want to condemn someone, why don't you do it earlier? i'm sure you have friends who have pre-marital sex. older people commit adultery. why don't you mock and jeer at them? or maybe you are one of those not-so-pure people afterall, guilty of the act yourself. tell me which is worse, 2 adults committing adultery and breaking up each other's family or 2 unmarried people having sex?

just because people are celebrities, does it mean they cannot have their own private life? just because their job has to show their faces on television more often, does it mean they have to live their lives according to what you expect from them? who are you? their parents?

parents would say, 'as a celebrity who is influential, she(they) should live their lives accordingly, lest they corrupt the young and lead them down the wrong path indirectly.' do you mean to tell me you parents are such a failure at raising your child that a celebrity who doesn't even know your precious baby has more influence over your kids than you do? to those who want to say they never had and never will have pre-marital sex, let me just say it is by God's grace that either you don't have a chance to do it or He gave you enough strength to resist the temptation. ask yourself honestly, without Him, are you able to resist? will you not go for it the moment chance present itself? don't tell me that thought never occur to you. 'Why do you look at the speck of saw-dust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.' does the verses sounds familar to the christians? if you want to talk about people, examine yourself first. even criminals get a second chance. why do you people condemn them instead? are they criminals? did they murder, steal, rob? did they even do anything to you in the first place?

if you are so holy, for the sake of the good of society, i think the war in africa needs your help there. the idiot dictator there is declaring war and killing his own race. why don't you say anything about him? i'm very sure at least one of your friends or/and you yourself have pre-marital sex or commit adultery too. why dont you do something about it? does it please you to see people down and out? does it even makes you happy to watch people fall? because if you do, i really strongly encourage and highly recommend you see a doctor. they are humans too. and they make mistakes. they dont make mistakes like murder, embezzle money etc. they made a mistake many people did. does that mistake deserve that kind of treatment? you probably would be proud of yourself or cheer for your friend who did something she did. or did you ever envy those people who get a chance to have sex when you don't have it?

i'm definitely against pre-marital sex. but if your basis to condemn her is because she has sex before marriage, then arent you as guilty yourself? "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." to those who don't know what this sentence really means, and the story behind this sentence, go ask your christian friends. they would know it. the story behind it is not so different from this.

i do not agree with the celebrities actions, but neither do i condemn them. i have no interests in them. but if you don't believe me, i dont really care. i just want to say, all your hypocrisy disgusts me.

below is the story section.


My friend Kathy was talking to a maintenance worker at the school where we work. He mentioned that his boss, Bud, was duck hunting. Kathy felt the need to stop what she was doing and pray for his safety. The rest of the day went as usual.That night in the news we saw that Bud's boat capsized while he was hunting. He was in water over his head trying to hang on. Someone finally spotted him. The man that found him used his cell phone and called for help. He was rescued and only suffered from hyperthermia.The man that found him was planning on hunting somewhere else that day and changed his mind at the last minute. There was no one else anywhere around.Sometimes our change of plans or delays are God's way of putting us right where he wants us right when he wants us.- Sharon Beal

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